Broken Devices

Broken Devices

plays a dark and distorded instrumental trip hop music where dense orchestrations rub soulders with ravishing beats and noisy minimalism. Influenced by Amon Tobin or even Venetian Snares, their music claims to be cinematic and dissonant.



?One second from falling?, their second experiment created for live performing, will bring together two protagonists of the first show ?Anger or silence?. Echoing our modern and technological world, this visual and sound performance raises the question of the ?point of no return?: when will it be too late to turn back ? The artists will be able to improvise and interact with music, video and lights. The visual research will focus on a fine, minimal and powerful marriage between light and video.


« Anger or silence », their first experimentation on stage is a show halfway between concert and visual performance, plunging the audience in a device combining electronic music, video mapping and 360° surround sound.

Through a poetic and singular story, Broken Devices proposes sharing the absurd vision of a character with muddled ideas. Their music shoves the epic of this man, walking his madness in a world that's beyond him. The audience, voluntary guinea pig of this experiment, is plunged into the twist and turns of this tortured mind.

« We are all born mad. Some remain so »
Samuel Beckett

Talks about madness and bunch of flowers
Talks about a painter that doesn't exist ;
about a Man becoming a child
Talks about mattress and walls
It speaks in a low voice
Yells sweet nothings
Talks to itself
Dies to try
Talks about breaking out ;
About fuse box and fuse blowing
Talks about fundamental violence
insulin and hair grass
Talks about running away, bare footed
I'm fine ;
Leaving you now
(...) That's happening again


01 January

... new album and new show for 2022; work in progress ;-)

21 March

[LIVE] Anger or silence

@ Les Abattoirs SMAC - Bourgoin-Jallieu (FR38)

28 February

[LIVE] Anger or silence

@ MJC Totem - Chambéry (FR73)
8:30 PM


02 June

[Workshop] Video mapping & interactive music playing

Brise Glace - @club - Annecy (FR74)

19 May

[Workshop] Video mapping & interactive music playing

Brise Glace - @club - Annecy (FR74)

11 May

[Live] Anger or Silence

@ Brin de zinc - Chambéry (73-FR)

05 May

[Workshop] Video mapping & interactive music playing

Brise Glace - @club - Annecy (FR74)

02 May

[Live] Anger Or Silence

Brise Glace - @club - Annecy (FR74)

25 April

[Live] Anger or silence - L'échangeur de sons Festival - Espace Malraux Scène Nationale / APEJS [ANGER OR SILENCE]

Cité des arts - @ Auditorium - Chambéry (FR-73) - 20h

12 April

Presentation of our work

Les Abattoirs SMAC - Bourgoin-Jallieu (FR-38) - 6pm (free entrance)

09 April / 13 April

Light / Surround sound / Interaction working session

Les Abattoirs SMAC - Bourgoin-Jallieu (FR-38)

07 April

[Workshop] Video mapping & interactive music playing

Brise Glace - @club - Annecy (FR74)

15 February

Presentation of our work

109 SMAC - @Embarcadère - Montluçon (03) - 7:30pm (entrée libre)

12 February / 16 February

Light / Surround / Interaction working session

109 SMAC - @Embarcadère - Montluçon (03-FR)

19 December / 22 December

[Labo] Working session

Brise Glace - @ Club - Annecy (FR-74)

09 October / 11 October

[Labo] Interactions residence

Cité des arts - @ La Soute - Chambéry (FR-73)

08 September

Public presentation of our working session

Brise Glace - @ Grande Salle - Annecy (FR-74) - 18h (free entrance)

05 September / 08 September

Light design & interaction residence

Brise Glace - @ Grande Salle - Annecy (FR-74)

28 May

Live Radio & Interview

Kaptascope - @ Brinc de zinc - Chambéry (FR-73)

26 May

Release of our first EP - One Knee on the ground

Inouïe Distribution

30 March

[Live] Electrochoc Festical #12

@ Les Abattoirs - Bourgoin-Jallieu (FR-38)

31 January / 03 February

Sound & video & light design residence

Brise Glace - @ Grande Salle - Annecy (FR-74)

25 November / 30 November

Video & Light Residence

Le Tétris - @ L'espace invaders - Le Havre (FR-76)

10 October / 12 October

Music Residence

Cité des arts - @ La Soute - Chambéry (FR-73)

20 September / 23 September

Light Residence

@ Le Coléo - Pontcharra (FR-38)

06 September / 09 June

Surround sound design & Video Mapping Residence

Brise Glace - @ Le club - Annecy (FR-74)

07 July / 12 July

Music & video & surround sound Residence

Brise Glace - @ Le club - Annecy (FR-74)

31 May / 02 June

Video Mapping Residence

Espace Malraux Scène Nationale - @ Salle de répétition - Chambéry (FR-73)


# L'équipe de Broken devices

One second from falling

  • machines, video
  • Olivier Valcarcel

  • analog synth, lights
  • Romain Bouez

  • design vidéo
  • Pierre Agoutin

    Anger or silence

  • Machine
  • Olivier Valcarcel

  • Bass & Keyboard
  • Benjamin Farque

  • Analog Synth & FX
  • Romain Bouez

  • Video Mapping, Editor & FX
  • Pierre Agoutin

  • Video & Light Design
  • Jean Camilleri

    Jean Monier,

    Géraldine Mercier

  • Camera Operator
  • Olivier Peysson

  • Set Designer & Pupeteer
  • Matthieu Pierre Jackson


    Anger or silence - FULL setup

    Anger or silence - LABO setup



    « One knee on the ground », le premier EP du groupe, dévoile une trip hop instrumentale sombre et distordue, où se succèdent orchestrations denses, beats ravageurs et minimalisme bruitiste.
    Influencée par Giacinto Scelsi ou encore Dalëk, la musique de Broken Devices se veut cinématographique et dissonante.
    « The last child », titre central de l'EP, questionne la place de l'Homme dans ce monde et dénonce sa prédisposition à détruire tout ce qui l'entoure.

    Enregistré et mixé par Olivier Valcarcel @ Weird Noise Studio

    Masterisé par Jeremy Henry @ La Villa Mastering

    Commander sur Bandcamp

    Voici notre premier featuring avec La rappeuse Drowning Dog de San Francisco !

    Composé par Broken Devices

    Ecrit par Drowning Dog

    Enregistré et mixé par Olivier Valcarcel @ Weird Noise Studio

    Masterisé par Jeremy Henry @ La Villa Mastering

    Commander sur Bandcamp



    Anger or Silence


    crédits photos: Arthur Hennard Photographie


    contact [at]


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